I have 40 years of experience working primarily in low and middle income countries (and primarily though not exclusively in Africa) to help people change the way they work with each other so that they (especially the leaders) can create a safe workplace that allows for co-creation, innovation and the full use of talent.
I teach people how to interact with conversational, relational and emotional intelligence to avoid misunderstanding and the resulting frustrations that, when not addressed, turn into lingering or even open conflict. I help different groups or agencies, often with different agendas, to find common ground, create a shared vision and create the conditions for all mobilizing ‘all hands on deck’ so they can collectively serve the needs of their stakeholders while also fulfilling their personal and organizational missions. I do this through coaching (executive coaching, team or individual coaching), mentoring of young professionals, organizational development, team-building, design of dialogues, conversations with stakeholders, learning events (conference design and facilitation) and training people in such skills.
I am currently focusing on the biological/neurochemical factors and the role of neuro-perception in triggering functional or dysfunctional behavioral responses as well as the critical role of community that underlie resilience.