During my time as an employee of Management Sciences for Health, a global health nonprofit, organization, I served primarily as an internal coach, working with senior directors who requested coaching to become more effective leaders, more mindful of the impact of their behavior on their teams and peers, and more confident and competent in making choices.
I am credentialled by the International Coach Federation (Associated Certified Coach)—since 2017.
As a coach I am your thinking partner, helping you get clarity on what is next, in your job, in your life and in your relationships. I will ask you about your aspirations and help you chart a course towards the fulfillment of those aspirations.
Having worked across cultures since 1979, a carrier of two passports and having started a family in a culture other than the one I grew up in, I am mindful of the impact of the cultural dynamics that come into play when people cross cultural boundaries, for work or for love. My life has taught me that curiosity rather than judgment, asking good questions rather than giving advice, is the most important contribution one can make to to find peace and clarity in any commitment you are drawn to. As a coach I will help you sharpen those skills and encourage such a mindset.
I am certified as a Conversational Intelligence™ Coach and have integrated neuroscience into my coaching practice, recognizing the neuro-chemical processes that are activated by our interactions, good or bad. I bring to my practice the insights that Conversational Intelligence™ has distilled from neuroscience research, adding an important set of new tools to the coaching profession.
And finally, I have learned to recognize the signals our bodies send us when something needs attention. I believe that all change starts in the body. I can help you harness your own body-smarts to take you to the place you most desire to be.
Having you as my professional coach during one of the toughest times in my career was definitely a transformative experience that I look back on with fondness and appreciation. I learned so much about myself, my previous teams, and my work […]. As I began my new job this Monday, I actually dug up my old notes from our coaching sessions on my top lessons learned […], including our plans on how I'd apply those lessons in [my new job]. This has allowed me to really start this new job on the right foot, and with a sense of clarity and confidence that I didn't always have before.