A time for reflection in a time of ‘more than ever before.’
Is your team getting tired of working remotely, people missing their colleagues, finding less joy in doing the work that you used to like, exhausted by the seemingly perpetual juggling act? Are you wondering how to help your team members to express their feelings when those were off the table before? Are you noticing dynamics in your team meetings that you don’t know how to deal with? Or do you simply need someone to facilitate a short reflection or centering exercise before you move to the business of the day?
With everyone at home, your workers’ home situations matter in ways they never did before. Some have only themselves in the home, others have a partner and then there are some who have at least 2 generations in the same household; everyone with needs and schedules that aren’t always compatible with what the needs of your business.
If any of this rings true and you’d like some help in getting your team grounded, talk about feelings and share what they need from you and each other, write to me.